Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Nokia 410093 charger?!!?!?!!?!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

There's not much to say here, so I'll try to keep this short. BUT, the topic of the day is those emails taht come around about once a week at work. The ones that say 'Hi everyone!!! Sorry for the all staffer but does anyone have a [brand] [phone model] charger pse:)? xxxxx'. Whenever I read those, I can't help but put on an annoying whiney voice in my head. And neither can you. Admit it! So when a charger mysteriously landed on my desk today, I didn't look that gift horse in the mouth. No. I coiled it up, then gathered up all the agency's other stray chargers and put them in a nice box. So everyone can share (which is nice), and nobody gets charger spam anymore (which is even better).

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