So, two Christmases ago, I took on the challenge of re-upholstering a chair we had knocking around. I'd never upholstered anything before, so it was a very steep learning curve (translation = I had a tantrum, and swore I'd never attempt it again). But a year later, I'd forgotten all that and got stuck in reupholstering its twin over the Christmas break. And the super-depressing fabric that was on there before looked like rejected prop from Abigail's Party, so I really had no choice.

I began by rigging up a mad-professor/carpenter fetish rig to fix the frame and make it sturdy again.

Then I made the cover and started nailing it on. Last time I did this, I hammered in the nails all the way. And then the other half of the cover didn't fit properly (hence, the tantrum). Thankfully, I remembered to NEVER DO THAT EVER AGAIN, so it was fine this time.

I didn't want to enter the OCD nightmare of trying to get the two chairs to match exactly, so instead they're kind of the positive and negative of each other. Which looks great I think!
1 comment:
Really like this fabric!! And cool cushion too ;) xdesh
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