Last weekend I had the dubious honour of putting together 7 outfits for a clubnight. With zero money. The afternoon before. Eek. Anyway, the theme for the night was 'feminity, so I thew together a last minute hen-night for the occasion. The end result wasn't big, and it wasn't clever. But it was funny, and cheap (£7 each, yessss). I tell you what though, hen-night shopping is not for the faint hearted. I spent a good half-hour sifting through an elaborate array of penis-shaped tat, until settling on glittery penis deely-boppers (and heart-shaped ones for the more demure), penis balloons and a penis-whistle for a bit of piece of flair. Then scoured the market for lays, L-plates, klaxons, fake nails and net curtains to complete the...look. I must admit, dressing in a pack is actually loads of fun (go Crips!). But perhaps more fun was when the outfits disintegrated and the deely boppers started circulating around the party. They even ended up on the bar-staff at one point. Hooray!

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